Sleep Coaching
New parents know the impact that sleep deprivation can have on our daily life. Life with a newborns and small children requires many adjustments and one of them is adapting to nighttime sleep. Coaching your children to teach them that they are capable of independent sleep is crucial is establishing healthy sleep hygiene.
Our goal is to establish a customizable, sustainable bedtime routine that works for you and your family as well as provide the tools for in-the-moment strategies to keep you and your baby sleeping. You will be equipped with the tips, techniques, and confidence that you need to help your baby develop healthy sleep habits. We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all model. Instead, we will create specific strategies that fit your needs for future sleep and personalized to your child's needs.
I believe that we can create a loving, nurturing, attentive structure to empower and provide you and your little one with the tools to build healthy sleep habits that allow you as well to get the much needed rest as parents!
The reason I provide a 2 week plan is because sleep coaching really entails consistency and dedication. It is essentially creating new habits for your little one to establish healthy sleep hygiene and build a foundation to always fall back on. Having a plan to follow and staying consistent with it is really the key to success. Sleep is so important for cognitive, physical, and social development so making sure they are supported during this big transition to get them sleeping well again is the goal.
Investment: $725 for everything included below
A customized sleep plan catered to your child’s needs and specific circumstances using loving and supportive methods
Two weeks of personalized support by a certified pediatric sleep specialist (168 hours total of support)
Actionable steps and tips to begin working towards a better nights sleep today!
Detailed nap, daytime, and nighttime routines and schedules
Sleep environment suggestions
Safe sleep guidelines (updated from the American Academy of Pediatrics)
Sleep hacks and tips
What to expect: A comprehensive chart for ages 0 months- 3 years including wake windows, average daily sleep requirement, what sleeping through the night looks like for each age, number of naps appropriate for each age, nap limit suggestions
Dietary suggestions that will better assist in restful sleep
Tips for to how handle sleep when your baby is traveling, sick, teething, there are future regressions, dropping naps, etc.
Unlimited text message support throughout your two-week package (between the hours of 8am-8pm)
Unlimited email support throughout your two-week package (between the hours of 8am-8pm)
Unlimited scheduled calls as needed throughout your two-week package (as scheduled through Calendly)